POEMATIC 11.18.2015 I'm Sorry

Four years ago

I held your hand
And said "I'm sorry"
For all my wrongdoings

You looked at me
And asked
"Why were you sorry?"
With a smile on your face

I cried so much
I remembered my past
My rebellion, my selfishness
All my mistakes

But then again
You just smiled at me
And said, "You're okay"
"You were a good child"

From that moment
I received forgiveness
I revived my courage
And hugged you tight

I was your little playmate
Your youngest princess
The excited listener
To a great storyteller

It's been four years since my father went home to be with the Lord.

I miss him so much. Thanks to God for I had a moment when I was able to say "I'm Sorry" and "I love you" to him while he's still with us  - such treasured moments.

So, children... obey and honor your parents this is following God's command and showing your love for them 
